the blink of an eye

By weedave

A good day

after my small walk yesterday I was enthusiastic to get back out on the hills , I used to really enjoy going hill walking and being away from all the trials and tribulations of everyday life .... but of late that life has meant I have not been out and both my fitness and my waistline have suffered !!

So up early ( I know to some my early is their late but considering I only had 5 hrs sleep I call it 7 am for those who wish to know ... got all my stuff looked out had breakfast and headed out to a local veiw point, from there I had guessed about a 20min brisk walk to the top of the nearest small hill.... boy was I wrong ...
Firstly I had not taken enough attention of the make up of the ground through which I was going to be travelling...I had assumed that it was just your usual scrub etc..( yes I know the saying about "Ass u me"..wearing donkey ears as I type ).. the ground was in fact peat bog... and although frozen I still managed to go up to my knees in it a couple of times .. so now cold and wet !!!!
next I had not actually looked at a map to guage the correct distance ....muppet !!! was at least 4 times the distance I had anticipated !!!
I had not again looked at a map and cheched for any marked paths ....double muppet !

are you getting the picture !!!

however it was a fantastic cold crisp clear morning and although I had a bit of a trial I enjoyed it and got to the top ...ok so i was a bit late ..and missed the sun cresting the horizon because i was stuck in the bog ..literally but still took loads of pics .. could see the all the way to the Forth bridges to the east , west was obscured by a small group of trees but needlss to say the view was stunning

eventually headed back to the van using the tracks left by a farmers quad...10 times easier ..although they did stop 50 yards from where i was going so litterally waded through a reed bed ..well my feet were wet anyway

got home and went for a long hot shower..AAAAHHHH!!!!

then ran about tidying and cleaning the house for Alisons return.. it was gleaming

was good to here about her adventure and Krakov sounds amazing , we all snuggled up infront of the fire

I liked this pic so hope you do to ...Enjoy !!

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