Cars. Bit like buses but the opposite!

So the day after I fill my car up with fuel and the day after Mr W actually leaves me room to park on the drive, and the day he puts the Audi on Auto trader - mine dies.

I mean proper bang and whur whur whur kind of dead.

The RAC then said they would be 4 hours and the other cars were stuck on the drive behind mine so back inside we went and put the kettle on.

Who wanted to go Christmas Shopping anyway. Stupid idea.

Anyway, the RAC arrived within the hour, car was taken to BMW where it will sit until 8 th Jan as they can't fit it in any sooner and off we toddled to town to buy festive jumpers, final gifts and holiday money while Mr W paced the floor talking to the people calling up about the Audi offering stupid money as in stupid low offers money. Get lost people - yes he might have one it but that doesn't mean he wants to give it away!!!

Then after our day of stress for me and constant car talk from Mr W we went out for dinner with his late best mates wife. We had a lovely evening with very little car talk.

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