Life Is Full Of Pictures

By ChrisJordan

How To Catch a Snowflake

How do you catch a snowflake when it is 80F degrees outside? Well, you run and jump and chase after it, quickly trying to catch it with your hand before it disappears. Or you can stand still with your head tilted up and tongue out, hoping one will land there to give you a little bit of joy and satisfaction.

We saw this little girl and boy trying to catch a snowflake on a sunny, warm day today in Southlake. To get into the Christmas spirit, the city set up several "snow making" machines around the courtyard in front of city hall. It didn't matter that the machines were only spewing bubbles, the little children thought they were snowflakes. I wonder if they have ever seen real snow living this far south?

Mrs. J and I are still adjusting to the warmer climate here. As I drove to work this past week I noticed, the grass is brown, the leaves are colorful and falling off the trees, the flowers are still blooming, and the Christmas decorations are up. Oh, and Mrs. J. is playing Christmas Carols in preparation for this week's choral concert. A strange combination for us who come from "snow country" where we have seen snowfalls up to our waist. We are used to the Christmas lights hanging on the trees, shimmering through the snow, and nights cold and quiet with the smell of burning wood in the air from the fireplace. It won't be long until we go back home and experience catching real snowflakes again! (23 days until Christmas!)

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