Cut Off
"Whatcha mean no nuts? I'm cut off? Why????"
As my daughter observed, "He looks like he has had enough nuts to keep him healthy for two winters." Yep...he was a chubster! But so darn cute
; )
It was a lovely walk in the woods after work....even though it got dark too quickly! After a day of rain (you can see how wet the animals still were), it was good to get out. In extras, there was a little buck who shows how the deer alert me to when humans come along (I think they must think I am something other than human...not sure what) and this little cutie who I blipped about a week ago in mono. She is so small and identifiable with that brow of hers. I also got her covered in snow during our last snowfall. This evening, she came within 3 ft of me but would not come closer. Very brave though so that is cool. The buck was with her but he only came within 15 ft and watched her as she came up to me. Amazing creatures.
A three generational family photoshoot tomorrow (in PJ's) but no other solid plans for the weekend. Wrapping presents, I suppose, cleaning and trying to get some rest heading into the craziness of the last week before holidays at work! Ho Ho Ho : ))
Have a good one!
D x
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