Festive fiasco

I gave hubby a heavy leather recliner for his birthday four years ago. It sits in the corner where our Christmas tree goes. After inching the chair out and cluttering up our living room with it to make room for the tree that year, I decided we could celebrate Christmas without a tree, which we happily did for the next two years.
But this year we have a family member from out of state coming for the holidays. And she gave us a tree skirt as a gift a few years ago. So of course we have to put up the tree and use her gift.
I finally tackled the job today. I inched the recliner into our bedroom, after moving the sitting chair already there down into the basement. The only mishap was a big ding in the paint on the wall in the living room. So I found the old can of paint and patched it right up. It looked so good I decided to patch up the dings in our kitchen and master bath, too!
Now we have a lovely tree, spacious living room, and a ding free home!

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