Gourd Project

Church services...lunch out with friends...and some outdoor work...puts us at 5:25 p.m. And it's dark. Quite a day outside, though. 55 degrees F on December 2nd. Nice.

When we think of the color of an apple...I think we usually think red. But...look closely at the next apple you eat. Reds and greens and yellows and whites. White dots, to be precise.

This apple gourd took me most of the week to finish. Red paint...2nd coat...3rd coat...green paint smudges...yellow paint smudges...white dots with the head of a tiny nail...then a big finish with a red dye. It's the second apple gourd I've made. The 1st one sits up nicely. This one is all kitty-whompus. It needs more base on which to sit, and I may have overdone the white dots.

Wouldn't it be nice if they grew this big? One apple would be enough for an apple pie, and a single cored and sliced apple could feed a family. The only drawback? It would take a lot of caramel and nuts to cover it.

I crafted it for one reason. I heard an old saying..."An apple gourd a day keeps the doctor away"...and...I'm sick of this man cold.

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