Little bugger, bad mummy

On being out to bed E kept saying she could hear noises under her bed “like breathing”.

The first time I briefly checked and said there’s nothing and kissed her goodnight.

The second time I told her not to be silly, there’s nothing there.

The third time I lost my temper and told her in no uncertain terms to go to sleep.

The forth time agreed to stay and listen to try and calm her down (read as ‘felt guilty for shouting’). I snuggled up, and then I heard it. A snore.......

This bugger had managed to climb inside the dressing up basket under her bed and was sound, snoring, asleep. He has never ever ever slept in her room in two years.

Next time I’ll listen and check properly.

ION: stomach bug anxiety is back due to a passing comment from a four year old. I’m so stupid!

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