Zig Zag Afghan underway...

There’s a strong east wind this morning so I thought it would be very unpleasant to swim so decided to give it a miss. I walked into my brother when I went to town to pick up a few things and he confirmed it wasn’t the best. I’ll be back at it early tomorrow when the tide is better.
So I can have a crochet day. I want a zig zag afghan for my bed and after weeks of dithering over colours bought some yarn on Monday. Then the big problem; getting started. Granny squares are easy; start with a magic circle but for the zig zag I needed to start with a chain of 288! Daunting!
I had a couple of tries starting with purple but it wasn’t easy to see the stitches especially in artificial light. So I opted to start with yellow and got the first row done yesterday. It’s all plain sailing now and growing pretty quickly. I now have all three colours started so just have to keep going now and remember to change colour correctly) every third row.
Later I have a guided tour of the library followed by ringing this evening.

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