
By NickMog


Dateline Paris. Again. Or Still. Haven't got time to work out which.
Ran along the canal at Bassin de Villette (Woosh!)
Sunny and bright.
Met C's brother (mt BIL) P and H and J (am I the only one who finds initials confusing?). Lunch.
Tour Montparnasse for a drink (tip: it is cheaper to buy a glass of wine (8 Euoros) at the bar on the 56th floor than to buy a ticket for the 59th floor viewing area (13 Euros). And you get a (n expensive) cheap glass of wine thrown in!
Great view. Really great view. Should have blipped that really but don't want to be predictable.
Then a glass of mint tea at the Mosque (woosh!)
The Mosque seems to have a large sideline selling mint teas!
Back to ours where C (another initial) cooked a lovely casseroley thing.
Then.. (end of woosh) sat down to blip and watch an episode of Dexter.


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