There’s no beginning there’ll be no end

This is my face after a day of exchange rate fluctuations and politics.

I have some weird affliction whereby my insides get wound up when there is upheaval.

During the Scottish referendum debacle I had a complete breakdown - I’m completely serious. Medication, counselling the lot. Nothing In this world could convince me that the idiots in Scottish politics weren’t going to destroy the life I love

It’s been the same today.

Why can’t they see - she took a job on that no one else wanted; no one else could do - the one who started it took off. The ones who campaigned lied sooo much they can’t take a front seat or they would have to admit they were bare faced arse wipes

And then there is that public school idiot. If I have to see his wet face on my TV once more or hear that patronising nasal whine again I’m going to have to get rid Of the TV.

He has had his vote which he was going to win; he now thinks she paid people to vote for her. Does he honestly think the British public even at their weakest would opt to have him Represent them?

I’m glad she won. Let’s get this bloody Brexit finished . Let’s get out of Europe and on with our lives. It wasn’t what I voted for; but that’s the price of democracy.

We can’t have another referendum because what would be the point of referendums then? We just keep having them til we get a decision we want that week?


Thank Christ for Tenerife!

Maybe this time next year I’ll have to apply for visa to get there !

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