My entry for the Wide Wednesday Challenge with the theme: something old.
Huge thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.
Part of my collection of covered books, perhaps done by do it yourself owners.
About  my photo of the derelict building of yesterday I don't think there can be build something else in place of the Gasthof.
In earlier times it was rightly placed there, near the railway station that does not exist anymore. But it is a very dar place because it is on the slope of a huge mountain at the north side, that means that there is hardly any light. Next to the Gasthof there still stands a huge building, and that is a former brewery. Nowadays someone lives there, had renovated parts of it, and uses the inside for I don't know what.
There is no footpath or cyclepath along the mountain, only cars and busses going by.

Our internet is bad at the moment. I am not sure how bad it will be tonight, but I'll try to catch up.

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