The gift that keeps giving

Every time I think the handling of Brexit has reached bottom, a deeper hole is dug. Today was still extra special - even for a government as utterly hopeless as this one.

I think I’ve mentioned before my joking theory that Theresa May will pull off a mask at some point to reveal Sasha Baron Cohen’s greatest prank ever; trolling approximately 52% of the population by holding up a mirror to their xenophobia and delusions of grandeur, but even he wouldn’t go this far.

Sending out Michael Gove to make an even bigger fool of himself, assuring interviewers that a vote on the deal was 100% going ahead, while the first leaks were coming out that it wouldn’t may well be the funniest thing she has ever done, if it was deliberate, but we all know it wasn’t. She really is just in complete panic; Wile E Coyote having run off the cliff and furiously running on thin air before the inevitable fall.

She won’t win this vote whenever it happens, so she runs down the clock in the hope that a miracle happens, or an asteroid strikes the Earth, extinguishing all life and making it moot. Just now she is probably pinning her hopes on option 2.

We are the laughing stock of Europe, but it will be worth it if the whole thing is scrapped and we never speak about it again.

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