In the box

Winston not Jack and as H's first grandchild's birth is imminent she's asked me to take Winston up to the Gliding Club on Saturday in readiness for the event.  The other event on Saturday is the Gliding Club's Christmas Dinner - please don't let it snow like it did this time last year and we had our Christmas Dinner and celebrations in March!!

Sorry I've been off air but my current throaty, more coughing, cold and feeling quite under par thingy has laid me a bit low; up at 3am this morning coughing, coughing, splitting headache etc. and I stayed up and have nearly finished my Christmas orders:  2 sleeping Hares, I Ardvark with balloon and 2 'Moongazer Hare'  needle felted pitctures. 

I may sleep tonight? Pleeeeeeez ........

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