it came from outer Milton Keynes

Anniemay is in a hurry to show me her new hoodie.  So much of a hurry that she puts in on back to front.  Yes, dear reader, this really did happen and just as I describe.

She stands by the edge of my desk, looking helpless.   I assume that’s her look - I can’t actually see her face.  But her guestures suggest that she’s having problems extriciating herself from the mess she’s in.  She looks like something from Dr Who.

“Stop” I say “just hold on a minute.”

She thinks I’m going to help.  But I'm not.  A blip-ortunity like this only falls  in your lap once in a while.   And when it does you can’t afford to let it pass.  So I reach for my phone.

She realises that I’m not helping; “what are you doing?” She asks.

“Just getting my blip” I say.   

It’s all about priorities.

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