
CyclopsJnr has been off sick today with the cough and it's been up and down. We watched Cars 3 and watched TV and played Lego but didn't do much else. At bedtime he was breathing really fast even when he was asleep and had taken some of his inhaler. So I phoned NHS24 as a precaution and they said I should take him to an out of hours GP. Helpfully the appointment was 12.20am at the Infirmary, at the extreme opposite side of town a 40 min drive away... and I don't have a car. I cancelled that and got a cab to the Sick Kids which the doctor there said was the right thing to do if he is not responding to his inhaler. They said next time just come by again, no need to go to the GP or phone NHS24. It was fine, no emergency as his 02 level was ok so they checked him over and gave him some different medicine to have at home over the next two days. When we got home (before the RIE appointment time!) he said he was hungry so we had late night milk, banana and Fireman Sam.

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