Today's Special

By Connections

Checking In

You see here how far I've come in holiday decorating...

Whatcom Chorale's concert on Sunday was a great success, I'm pleased to say. No one came in during rests, no one fainted on the risers (I was on the bottom one, by request), and despite the rain, there were nearly 500 people in the audience. Having spent so long learning the music, it now refuses to leave my brain... a good excuse for not getting much done today! A couple of Yule cards have been mailed, but at this rate, the rest may be Valentines... (Looking back to last year about this time, I see a similar theme...)

l'm slowly getting back to commenting here, and am deeply grateful to the small crew who keep Blipfoto running smoothly and those who share their thoughts and photos with this wonderful community.

Blip 1991

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