A confused genius

By Lez11

O' Christmas tree

I struggled to sleep last night so when I got up this morning I felt shattered. I still managed to get my ironing and cleaning done before I went shopping.

I went shopping to hooties for some Christmas decorations for my Christmas tree. I also managed to get me a few Christmas treats for my dog Stella.

For dinner today I went for a nice pub lunch with my family and it was loverly.

When I got home I decided to put up my Christmas tree (pic). My sister usually comes round to help me but I decided to do it myself today. I need to get me a few decorations to put on the walls and around my appartment to make it look a bit more Christmassy.

I also had to do a couple of hours of work today which was a pain in the arse.

I'm hoping to put my feet up, relax and have an early night tonight.

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