Fire and Ice

Sunset from the Lammermuir Hills above Deuchrie, East Lothian. I got out after lunch for a mini-adventure, travelling east to west along the northern Lammermuir slopes. My original plan to make it up to Dunbar Common on the top was abandoned after finding the trails encased in ice. As I continued west the ice turned to snow and the ride home was a great experience.

Larger Lammermuirs.

This is a stitch of 3 images in Hugin, light-adjusted and layered in Photoshop, structure enhanced in Snapseed. Great tools that bring the experience to life.

This morning we were disappointed after cycling to the swimming pool for 9am only to be turned away because the heating had packed in. Damn. We soon cheered ourselves up by giving Malcolm his birthday presents and spending the rest of the morning building a fantastic Lord of the Rings scary Shelob spider whilst blaring (mostly) awful pop tunes from Now! 999 or so. Happy happy :)

Now for a slouch!

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