The rest of forever...

By DrMac


A pretty productive day really. Managed to walk the dogs, eat breakfast, do all my school work and write a photography assignment by midday. Not bad really. The rest of the afternoon was a blur of shopping, house tidying, random hoovering and bag / food prep for tomorrow.

Note to self - washing the car at 4pm on a cold Sunday afternoon is not sensible. Why?
1. The water is very cold.
2. When the water lands on hands, feet, trousers, jacket and head (not sure how or why that happened!) it is even colder. You might even say 'freezing'.
3. When the temperature is below freezing, the water that you put on the car freezes. Fast. Rendering the drying process somewhat impossible and pointless. Unless you intended to make an ice car.
4. The hosepipe does not respond 'normally' when semi-frozen. Coiling it back up is a rather tireless and ineffective task. Especially so when Rags decides to walk all over as you are trying to coil it up. Arse.

But the car is clean.

The ground, where water fell, is like a bloody skating rink deathtrap, waiting to see me land on my arse in the morning.

But the car is clean. And I have since defrosted my body, rung Mum, wrapped presents and am ready to eat my salmon.

The joys of Sundays, eh! Wish you were home. It's crap without you.

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