MollyCollie to the rescue

Does this look like the face of a collie that wants to go out on a rescue mission? It does not!

This morning I was just about to go out on my snail like drag around the block walk when Ann got a WhatsApp message asking if she could do an 'emergency task'. It drives Ann mad that the whole of her job is conducted through WhatsApp. Why does nobody talk to anyone these days?  Anyway, the emergency task was rescuing some visitors who had somehow got themselves locked in their property?!!

Holidaymakers are soooo stupid sometimes.  But I must not RANT!

The property was about 20-30mins walk away so Ann said, 'Molly, you'll have to come with me. You can help me rescue the visitors.' Mmmmmmm...................... I didn't want to rescue visitors. It was cold and frosty and to be perfectly honest I would have been quite happy snoozing in my bed until Ann came home. However, I didn't get a choice in the matter and Ann set off at a very quick pace, dragging me along behind her.

As those of you who read our Blips regularly will know; I have osteoarthritis and I'm always very stiff first thing in the morning. I try to be speedy but it always takes me a while to get going. Normally Ann lets me go really slowly on my morning walk and I just potter along having a good old sniff. Today she didn't let me do any sniffing.

In fact, this morning she was a bit angry with me. She said, 'Molly, the first rule in business is; under promise and over deliver. The visitors are expecting us at 9am so it would be good if we could get there at 8.50am. If we arrive early they will be happy. If we arrive late they will be grumpy. If you walk much slower we'll be lucky if we get there at 9pm tonight! I work in the hospitality industry where I have to be nice to people even if they're complete pratts and do stupid things like locking themselves in a flat, but my wages pay for your treats. Oh and remember, Santa only comes to good little collies. And collies that are being slow on a rescue mission are not being good little collies. I bet Olly, the Swaledale Mountain Rescue Collie with ears bigger than a rabbit, isn't slow when he goes out on a rescue mission.'

I was really sad that I couldn't be speedy. I was trying my hardest to speed up. I really was. When we got about half way there and I'd had a wee & a poo, Ann said, 'Molly, lets jump on a bus for the rest of the way. I'm going out later so I'll just buy a day ticket and then we can go three stops on the bus and I'll bring you home on the bus too if you want.' Yay! I was a happy little collie when I heard that.

…..................And then Ann checked her phone.................. and discovered that the visitors had managed to get out of the flat after all.

Stupid, stupid, stupid visitors!!!!

…..............So we turned around and came home. And I got to do lots of sniffing, and Ann didn't mind that I was being snail like...........................

…........................And I didn't get to be 'Molly the rescue collie' after all.........................

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