
By misswinterfinch

Peeling a Roasted 'Winter Luxury'

This is #2 in a 3 or 4 part pumpkin-squash series.
After #1 was posted two days ago, a few comments from the UK fans said they do not grow pumpkins, have never roasted one, or have never had pumpkin pie.
Well, we can't have that now can we?

And for my my learning experience, I have not blipped food in preparation process or the steps in cooking. So here goes...
There were originally three Winter Luxury, heirloom pie other cooking pumpkins which came from my garden this fall. In this photo are the two smaller pumpkins being peeled after roasting for an hour and cooling. Actually, I got busy so they cooled for more than a day and night in the fridge. It's very easy to open one up because the outer skin is now soft. I just slit it open with a serrated knife, pulled the shell skin down to reveal the whole pumpkin flesh inside. You can see the other squash back there awaiting its turn.

After opening and peeling away the flesh, I took the whole blocks of the still firm squash and put them in a container for further uses cooking in casseroles, soups bread or pie. I recently saved a recipe from the Internet for macaroni and cheese with cooked pumpkin. I might try that since it looks like there will be lots of it available. I will freeze most of it to last until next fall.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's blip when I'll use some of this pumpkin in constructing a soup.

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