An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Piano man...

We had to postpone Alan's friend Andrew's visit today as Alan's sniffles from yesterday have developed into a cold.  When I contacted Andrew's mum she told me Andrew wasn't 100% himself as he's recovering from an ear infection so probably best for everyone that we've postponed their get together till next Monday.

Today was the day of the Christmas but things didn't quite go according to plan as we were a little late off the starting blocks.

Alan, our very helpful electrician (and fellow Kate Bush obsessive) messaged me just after 11am to inform me that Kate's Pop up Shop that has been raising money in London for Crisis over the last five days, was going online at 12.30 today, to sell off the last of the merchandise.  

At 12.30 I was sitting poised with the laptop and five minutes later had managed to spend a pretty penny!  I have managed to justify all my purchases I really should have been a defence lawyer and have saved David a shopping trip for my birthday pressie.  Win -win :-))  As a result of this we had a late lunch then lingered over a coffee and D spent some time relaxing at the piano, so it was after 3pm before the tree was brought indoors. 

We usually buy a 10' tree, which once trimmed, reaches the ceiling in the living room.  Due to Christmas trees past marking the ceiling, we decided to go smaller this year and got an 8' tree instead.  

It seemed to take ages to get it secure in the stand.  I played a crucial role in making sure it was straight, helpfully shouting left a bit, no right a bit, no left, I mean right  from the comfort of the sofa my carefully chosen vantage point.  David was very grateful for my help.  I could hear him muttering his thanks under his breath.  

It was only when it was time to put the lights on we remembered that two of the three sets had warm toned bulbs and the other whiter toned.  We didn't like the white ones last year and meant to buy more sets of warmer toned bulbs but of course haven't.  

So, the tree is now sitting with two set of lights covering the top third and a star plonked on top.  New sets of lights shall be purchased tomorrow and, all being well, the tree will be fully decorated by teatime tomorrow! 

PS I was very bad today.  I sneakily opened a tin of Celebrations and stole all the Snickers chocs and hid them in my desk drawer to sustain me later in the week when I am in the study wrapping the pressies.  I must remember to keep that tin separate from the rest or some unfortunate family member is going to be short changed! :-)

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