Well a really busy day today. Had to sort out a flat tyre. Hubbie put the spare one on then I took it to the garage in Grange. They couldn't find anything wrong with so kept it so they could test it out. Turns out it was probably just some rust in the rim, so they just sorted that out and it cost very little.andin
Then took our friend to the Grange Christmas Tree festival. Excellent. I've taken loads of photos but nothing outstanding. I have to go again to take my Mum when she visits for Christmas so may try to take something interesting then.
Then had to phone friend who is in Somerset as it's her birthday.
Now after dinner just dashing about and getting ready to go the Grange and District Camera Society. It's the last one of the year and is a competition day. I have never entered a competition before and have 3 entries. I am as nervous as hell as they are images that I love. However it is judged by a professional National Judge and he always gives a good positive constructive critique. I just hope I get reasonable scores, nothing too awful. I know the ones who are in line to win as there photographs is so much closer to professional standards and I do get great inspiration and support from them.
Must dash. Will catch up on all your entries later.
The church where the Christmas Tree Festival is held is right in the centre and right next to our clock tower, which is usually on all the postcards of Grange, as well as our famous duck pond and promenade. In the extras is the plaque that tells you about the tower. Not very old constructed in 1912.
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