A Long December
I turned over my VVV (=tourist information) 'birthday' calender today (I know, I'm a day late, but houskeeping has taken a back seat these last few days).
I'd completely forgotten this one had been chosen for December. I was reminded that this is the actual photo that started off this lunacy, obsession, craziness, idiocy, compulsion to photograph.
I've always enjoyed photography, but it wasn't until I saw a call in the (then) local paper for photographs of Breda, I thought I'd try my luck.
I sent this one in, and to my pleasant surprise (and SQUEALS of joy), it was published! Later, it was selected (together with another photo of mine of Carnaval, that's 'Miss February') to go on a calendar issued by the local tourist office. It really boosted my confidence, and made me realise that perhaps my snaps weren't that bad at all ;)
N.B.: unlike most Dutch houses, this calendar does NOT hang in the w.c. ;)
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