A busy Sunday
I managed to get a few more jobs done, including making my Christmas wreath. Not ostentatious, but inspired by my wander to the allotment this morning. I filled it with bits from the hedgerows. It is simple, but enough. It is now hanging on our front door.
Jon spent almost all day plumbing in the sink - between trips to screwfix or Homebase. It is now done, with hot and cold running water. I'm proud of him. Now he's got to do the toilet....a bigger job. No pun intended :)
At the allotment, I checked on Minnie. She has a limp. But she is getting to the food and water, so holding her own. After filling food holder I dug out some winter fruiting raspberries, a gooseberry bush and two blackcurrant bushes from the old plot, and replanted on my new plot. It was such a lovely day, I coukd have done more, but with things at home to do, I left it at that. On the way back collecting bits for my wreath. I really enjoyed making it when I got home. It felt like a proper traditional Christmassy thing to do.
Luckily for me, Dan peeled the veg and so not much for me to do but cook a tasty roast. Now we are sitting down for a rest after our busy day. TV so that's Strictly and I'm a celebrity.
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