Experimenting again...
...with the gel plate printing/painting.
The first one I did, top left, was drawing on the gel plate with a black oil pastel. And then doing the sun with a bronze oil pastel. Brayered white over it, and pulled a print.
I assumed that since yesterday when I managed to pull a print from the permanent pen and it came off the plate completely, that the same would happen with the oil pastel....wrong. The oil pastel drawing of the tree refused to completely leave the gel plate under any circumstance...
There were a few more experiments, and I drew the tree with finer branches with the black oil pastel on to a print itself. I brayered white on the gel plate. What happened was just the tree, now in white, transferred back from the print to the gel plate. Then I brayered a turquoise oxide on to the gel plate, and pulled another print/painting on a fresh piece of paper. The result is top right.
Bottom left is a ghost print of the top right picture.
Bottom right is me using the permanent marker for the tree (but it is really too clumsy and not fine enough), on the same gel plate with the green still on. And I used a red whiteboard marker for the sun.
I have soaked and rubbed and finally scrubbed with a natural bristle nail brush on the gel plate to get the black oil pastel tree off...it won't flipping budge...
I still have the other side of the gel plate, I have used it, but not for the felt tips or permanent markers, nor for oil pastels.
I have some more things I want to experiment on that gel plate, but I had a tidy up some weeks back, and I cannot find them...
In the extra is Popeye drinking water out of the bucket. When I lived on the farm as a child there was a bucket of water in the kitchen for any animal that came in...
Thank you for all your comments and love.
Take care x
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