Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Seeing for miles

Had a spectacular walk on Old Winchester Hill this morning while the hoar frost was still at its best before the sun got to it. Some shots actually show frost shadows round distant woods, which I found pretty mindblowing. It is such an amazing place - high on the South Downs for those who don't know it - and the morning was so perfect, I was like a kid in a candy store, not knowing which way to turn the camera next. In the end though, this one taken early on gave me the biggest blast- the surprising fiery line in the foreground, and the distance which still makes me want to fill my lungs when I look at it.

Breakfast when I got home, then a visit to my mum. Now I'm going to settle down in front of an old film and write Christmas cards.

Enjoy your Sunday evening, whatever it holds..

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