Possibly the last time here!
Another personal blip - mainly to record a moment in time...
The day finally arrived for the Awana Nativity play! Please remember that G was only able to have one practice with the kids prior to today. Last week we were off on account of UAE National Day.
We had a nice leisurely morning to get everything ready. The most important thing for me was to get the right scale for two songs which have been challenging me - Christmas carols are incredibly complex pieces to play!
We got there with enough time for me to do al the A/v set up we needed. The Pastor helped! The kids came up trumps (despite what it looked like during the short rehearsal G managed to swing). The T&T kids behaved like little angels (compared to the younger Sparkeys and even younger Cubbies). What is it with kids today? They absolutely cannot keep quiet/still. One of them, who happened to be sitting very close to me/my guitar, proceed to turn the keys! I had to ask for her to be moved away from me so my guitar didn't go out of tune.
We drove straight back for a cup of tea and recap of the afternoon. Forgot to mention - there was a bit of a party at the end, and I, er, ate lots of kids party food! Sausage rolls and a Magnolia Bakery cupcake!
The most notable thing of the evening was having a meal delivered from one of my Dad's favourite restaurants - Mini Chinese! Despite putting a pin on the building (ours) it took over an hour to arrive. The driver said he didn't notice vital information such as the building or flat number.
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