Asha Basha Boo

A meet up in the park with a friend and her toddler first thing...then on to the new church venue to help clean and set up for Sunday. 
An afternoon drawing with Asha and Nate whilst Danny went for a coffee with one of the homeless guys. Asha and I had a fun game of each adding bits to a drawing...bit. like creating a story - we ended up with something weird and wonderful! We also gave each other drawing challenges - ie; what would a cow crossed with a bee look like? A fun time. 
After Danny had finished teaching we took a wander to see the skating rink and a huuuuge fairy light lit bauble that's been put up in one of the squares. It's beautiful and meant to be walked through, danced in, etc etc...Asha's inside it in this pic.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Catching up with Emma.
2) Drawing with Asha - bonding time.
3) Nate barely able to eat his tea he was laughing so hard at Asha's antics.

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