family of 4 x

By CarrieMills


from today im starting a 25 day christmas challenge. the first word was lights.
ideally i would of loved one of both of them but that seems to be a hard task so one at a time was easier

it was freezing today i just couldn't get warmed at all! my dad popped round so i left him to feed baby while i quickly (30 minutes, whoops) nipped to the shop. so that made me even colder than i already was!
after we did the light pic, we got the kids pjs on, caleb went to bed and me, mark and erin had a naughty chinese. watched xfactor and erin finally went to bed at about 9, i only got to page 4 of the gruffolo's child and she was fast off!

then we put the tree up, woo hoo! its now christmas in the mills house!!!!

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