Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

A speeder kit

Today I started to build a speeder kit, including two trailers for it.  The locals here call these "pop cars" because of the sound they make going past on the DSNNRR. I was not going to build these until I had the structures built (last blip)- or painted.  Well - a delay in painting.

I knew better (how many times do you have to make the same mistake) but I used a gray primer.  Nice stuff, but the buildings are painted a buff color.  Very hard to cover gray.  I should have priced with flat white but duh - forgot.  I ran out and bought two cans of flat white primer.  Shook up one of the cans, and commenced to respray the wood parts.  About half way through I realized I was using the "unshaken" can and not the "shaken" can of paint.  Lousy prime coat.  So I am letting that dry and will reshoot the prime tomorrow with a shaken not stirred, can.

All of this malarky gave me an afternoon free so I started building the speeder and trailer kits.  Actually neat little Sn3 kits.  Made by Wiseman Models (  He makes all kinds of really neat details for model railroading - in N, HO, S, and O.  Good stuff.  

Once I finish making the speeder and trailers, I will prime them along with the wood stuff.  

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