Whooo's There?
What a treat to see after work today! A Barred Owl has taken up residence very near where I love to go. I have seen two other Barred Owls in this 'territory' (my favourite being Chip who had a chipped beak). Last year there were none to be seen so not sure if this is a new one who has claimed these lovely woods...or the previous year's. Interesting..and always great to see!
It was obvious close to dinner time (or would that be breakfast?) and it was keenly watching everything that moved. A little Red was obviously annoyed with an intruder on his/her territory and was very vocal, whilst running up and down the tree. I was fascinated with how close they came to each other (and held my breath!) but alas something else would attract the owl's attention and it would go on alert elsewhere. Likely tough meat with all that frantic running around anyway.... ; ) (see extra)
I was overwhelmed by your responses to my sunrise blip yesterday! Thank you so very much : ))
D x
P.S. In case you haven't noticed.....Friday tomorrow!! :D
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