Decorated Statues.......

Today was the PT Buddies Xmas luncheon.  You would never know that there were only 5 of us at the table for all the laughter and giggling that came out of our corner.  Since we usually, are there for 3 or 4 hours we choose a table in the back corner, out of the way of the other customers who come for lunch during their lunch time.
     We weren't in anyone's way but we sure did have a good time and make a bit of noise!  We got a lot of smiles from the other patrons and warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

      On the way home, I stopped to get this picture (I had discovered it on the way to lunch).  The rider is wearing a Santa's hat.  His face is visible around the shadow of his raised left hand, holding the reins.  I like the wraps on the horses legs, the holly and the poinsettia  balance the color for the display.
      This statue is at a Thoroughbred farm in Ocala.  It is preparing for foaling mares in the next 8-10 weeks.  They will be the next crop of race horses.

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