Polaris 2018
I'm calling "Foul" on this one. I have said before, many times, that Liverpool One does good things both in the summer and the winter to attract punters into its environs. The work they put in to make it more of a destination rather than just a collection of shops and a cinema is usually admirable. And their success is demonstrated by the figures. The footfall increases each year, which in these challenging times for High Street retail is a spectacular feat. They do a decent job of giving people a reason to go there other than simply to part with money, albeit that's the ultimate aim.
But this is just a mockery. It's got a grand name - Polaris - and an organisation behind it who specialise in this kind of thing - Terraform - whose website - cubes.art would have you think they're some ground breaking installation wizard.
In reality, it's a few water tank cages lit up in pretty colours (I'll give them that) from inside. But to suggest this is an art installation rather than a crashing waste of money is an insult to anyone who happens across it.
Anyway. RIP Pete Shelley
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