
By Ilaria

The Wedding!!!

Today was the my friend's wedding....and it was glorious!!! The weather was a dream. The multicoloured theme was gorgeous. The venue looked incredible all decorated...colourful and sparkling!! My frien and her bridesmaids were stunning. The groom looked great too!! All in all a fantastic day!!!

Taking wedding photoshoots is definetaly something I would never dare risk!!! Thank goodness they had someone who really knew what they were doing!! I got some shots I liked, but missed and botched a million important moments!! It's so hard being quick, and really making the equipment you have work well. Whew...scary!!!

All said and done though....WHAT a great opportunity...and fun too!! :-)) I can't wait to see the Photographer's shots!!! He was really good!!

For those who may be interested...I put some shots in two folders in my Blipfolio. One folder is just the bride and groom...see HERE!! The other folder contains shots of the preparation, dress, bridesmaids, cake, etc...see HERE!!
They're a mix of quality...but they sure do capture the day!!! :-))))

Now to bed!!!!! As there's something on tomorrow too!!!!! :-))))



A HUGE thanks for your response to my 365 blip!!!! really touched me. I'm still trying to get back to you all...what with the wedding being a weekend thing!!! I'll get there!! :-))))))))))

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