Party Time

Yesterday was my Aunt Eloise’s 100th birthday (see yesterday’s blip), and today there was a party held for her at their church in Muskegon, after the worship service. As expected the large room was PACKED. Eloise is a much loved woman and well known in her community.

This is a picture of Eloise and my Uncle Dick. Dick is my mother’s older brother. He and Eloise married over 20 years ago after they were both widowed. The two couples had been close friends throughout the years, and Eloise had even been Dick’s secretary at one point, when he was a minister at this same Methodist church in Muskegon. I’m so pleased for them that they’ve had a long and loving marriage.

After this party a group of us went out for Pizza in town. See the extra photo - three generations of my cousins! There’s even more who didn’t join us. It was good to catch up with a few of them, though. I’m looking forward to a bigger gathering at a summer family reunion in 2019!

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