Adventure Cat!

My Dear Princesses & Dear Fellows,

I say "Princesses" because I thought EMP would like this. I got home after work today to find Feefs and Cazza beside themselves with excitement.

"We're planning PROJECTS!!" said Feefs.

I didn't know what this meant. But it put the willies up me.

It turns out they had bought three planks of wood. 

Contain your excitement Symon, I thought. But I was wrong to be cynical. 

"Catty Superhighway!!" said Cazza. So two of the three planks were used to create a little bridge between our kitchen cupboards.

The third plank was more problematic. It was to serve as a "ramp" they said. But from where to where?

"Mrrrroooooo..." said Jasper sadly. He had been watching the procedure from the start, with great interest. He was ITCHING to get up there. But that third plank... "It just won't fit," said Cazza.

"Ooooooo," said Jasper. Disappointed.

In the end it was ME who fixed everything. Me, with my bog-up solutions.

"Why don't you sit a stool on the kitchen top?" I suggested. Because that's hygienic.

Cazza improvised a towel under it. And now Jasper could get to the kitchen top! It took him about 2 minutes of uncertain meowing before he managed it and then there was no stopping him.

The girls were DEEEE-LIGHTED. Jasper pranced back and forth for them and they LOVED it. He was very pleased with himself too. 

A 2nd project was construction of Cazza's office chair. The pair bought it today and were delighted with themselves when it was put together. Feefs was in surprisingly high spirits during the whole operation despite smacking herself in the head at one point. 

"Oooh, it's SO comfortable on my lum-bar," she announced. "And it has a good swivel too."

She did a full 720 spin on it to prove her point.

I love having Feefs here. She is so much fun and seems to inspire silliness in Cazza as well. Sadly, she leaves tomorrow. Although heavy rain and wind is forecast so she may be delayed. "The weather is such a dick," she commented.

I even love the way she talks. 

Now she is excited because we are ordering dinner and she has discovered you can get chips with spicy satay sauce. "Ohmygawwwd! Score!"

Every day is Fun Day with Feefs. Especially if you're a little hairy man who likes sitting on kitchen cupboards.


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