No Avoiding it Now
Ok its December so I can say CHRISTMAS
These are baubles in the Brookes Shopping Centre in Winchester. While I was there, there was a life size blue nose teddy shuffling around, waving and hugging wary children.
The first time I blipped in this shopping centre it was to start the fascination with the Winchester bollards on 22 January 2012
There is no need to go large to get the idea.
Smile factor:
The nice delivery man brought a very large box to the house this morning. He liked Milo. I've discovered today that I can sign my signature on those horrible hand held confirmation of delivery thingies while holding onto Milo while he tries to lick the man, easier than when not holding an enthusiastic Milo
The big box contained the new improved hula hoop. The dud one has been returned. This one is 100cm and weighs 1.5kg. I've not killed anyone with it yet but the weights mean that at the moment I can only use it for the length of one song. I'm going to have to work at this.
PS Mr F today has bought himself the CD that I had planned to buy him for Christmas - note to all men please don't buy yourself anything at this time of year unless you want socks for Christmas
PPS The word Christmas appears three times in this blip
PPPS The guy yesterday had been drinking alcohol and was quite old so I probably looked gorgeous to him. I was in no danger. My handbag weighs a ton so I would have probably killed him with it if necessary
PPPPS This is my 400th blip
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