Because this is who I am

By Brighde

The People I’ve Met

The people I’ve met.

High school is something I never ever think about anymore. Mainly because it makes my insides absolutely curl up and die inside and the sheer embarrassment of my former self. But everyone was tragic right?

So when I had a few lovely teenage girls come into my work recently and I was almost launched back into the absolute horrific life of being at school. One girl had been punched in the face by one of the other girls at school and it had smashed her phone in the process. I could help but be so mad for her, here she was this young girl who is finding her way in life with long dark hair and her mum by her side telling me the grim tale about how mean this bully was to her daughter. I saw my tiny self in as she was brushing it off like it didn’t eat her alive inside. Then on the flip side I had another girl come in today with her dad who had long long hair covering her face with her broken out skin and jam-jar style glasses wanting to come in after having a cry (absolutely abysmally embarrassing dad calling her out for that) in the morning about how her frames looked. Now I’m essentially a glasses connoisseur I helped her chose something more trendy with some thinner lenses so she doesn’t feel like she’s hiding behind her frames.

There’s so many beautiful young girls out there and it breaks my heart that they cry or get upset with what other people say. I just want to pick them up and tell them everything will be okay and how unbelievably beautiful and intelligent they are and how they will one day conquer the world.


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