Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Ho Ho Ho

So, while I may not be in the holiday spirit at the moment, I can appreciate a festive appearance of a bright red bird.  And how lucky am I to have cardinals in my yard every day of the year?  Today, there were three males and two females, all tolerating one another ... until this one decided he needed to be the reddest of them all.  After chasing the other four away, he assumed his position atop the cherry tree.  

Temps in the 20's this morning so we've had the fire blazing all day.  When I went out to top off the feeders this morning, I discovered two brazen little Pine Siskins in with a group of American goldfinches.  They didn't stay long, but were a welcome sight.  I am still keeping eyes peeled for Evening Grosbeak which have been seen in the county for the last month, but not in my yard, alas.  

Twenty days until ... well, you know.


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