Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Vanishing point

I was thinking of calling this blip Catch 22, as in a no-win situation. Point is I had to get past; the office I was working in was about 200 metres down this road.

Might also be a good metaphor for Brexit. Doesn’t matter which side you’re on, the road ahead looks difficult.

Very busy day with lots of ups and downs, physically, emotionally and in terms of stress. But not without incident, Coming home on the train someone found an abandoned trolley bag tucked under a seat and alerted the guard who, with reckless "hurt locker" abandon opened it up. It was the executive laptop sort but, surprisingly, was full of vegetables; he carted it off only to be accosted by a confused looking senior who claimed it as her own and said she had moved seats and forgotten it. Somewhat surreal.

Got some new oven gloves with colourful cats on. And we now have Alexa in the bedroom ...

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