
By mindful_life

Unexpected Delivery

I had my long day at work today and managed to get the children to breakfast club without a hitch, ensuring my daughter's hair was as she wanted it for the school nativity.  They only do a nativity in key stage one so she hasn't been involved in a few years but there are usually a few of the year 6 children chosen to narrate and this year she is one of them. Today they were performing in front of the reception children's parents and she was very excited.

My work day was productive and not as stressful as I anticipated whilst my colleague is off on holiday. Just as I was going into a meeting the lady on reception came up the stairs, a bouquet in hand, and told me they were for me.  Surprised does do justice to my shock! It actually nearly brought me to tears!

My husband sent them to me from him and the children.  Colleagues were checking with me if they had missed my birthday or whether it was my anniversary and I confirmed it was not.  Next they asked what he had done wrong! He hadn't done anything wrong but I have been telling my husband that I have been struggling to cope with the intensity of my schedule and he sent them to me to cheer me up! It isn't something that he normally does so it was a surprise and I think you will agree they are beautiful!

After work was the usual swim session and I sat with my friend Jo and chatted whilst I cross-stitched and she crocheted.

My daily inspiration from my book is interested today and worth a thought if you can.

"I will know peace when... I become teachable.....
Until today you may have bee afraid to acknowledge, admit or accept that there are some things about life and living that you simply don't know.... Just for today, be willing to admit to yourself what you don't know. That simple act will open your heart and mind so that you can learn what you need to know....
Today I am devoted to opening my mind to learn what I need to know."

Over the years I have encouraged myself to try and keep this in mind, especially with my children.  They teach me things every day and I always ensure that I tell them when they do.  My son's knowledge of insects, animals and wildlife is superior to mine and he is sometimes surprised I don't know the things he does. And I try to acknowledge when I make a mistake and if they are right and I was wrong. I will try to remember to open my mins to all the things I do not know.  

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