Frosty morning.
Today started with a sharp frosty and low lying mist across the moor. Very scenic and was just begging to be photographed! Although the day started with this lovely bright weather it then disintegrated into a wet cold dank affair. There is a law that says if I go shopping the probability of rain will be exceptionally high, and today once more it rained when I went shopping!
Farming - Rusty off to pick up a large load of straw from Calne. Mr Tbay Jnr did one yesterday too. Mushroom compost hauling for two and the Mr Tbays took a Tractor to Long Ashton in preparation for wood chip hauling. Mr Tbay also filled a very irritating pothole, burned a lot of rubbish and picked up all the leaves in the garden.
For me it was hit the VAT, and I finished it by lunch! Result! Then it was off shopping for Mrs V as well as myself. Busy, busy, busy!
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