
By lynnjones7186

Christmas tree.

We went out with friends for dinner.   This beautiful tree is in front of a shopping centre close to the restaurant.  You can actually walk through the tree.  The orange that you can see is a large bauble, however, we all agreed that it looked like a pumkin.

Do you remember me telling you about the man here who was deported for visa violations?    Well the couple whom we had dinner with last night are the couple who reported him to the police.  Apparently he refused to give them their deposit back when they were leaving the condo.  When they came back to Thailand they decided to go to the police.   Investigations threw up a lot of other things and he was subsequently arrested.  The couple never got their money back. They did, however, get to see him in jail. He remained abusive and arrogant.  The cell he was in was overcrowded and just as you would imagine a Thai jail. 

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