Top heavy
The “Christmas” amaryllis dove (toppled) into a plate of food earlier - I think perhaps it should have been in a heavier pot. It is now wedged in a large heavy pot by the FT, and the slightly bent second stem is splinted with a bit of plywood that was hanging around.
Rubbish start to the day - feeling like flu was about to sit on my head like an unwelcome elephant, but loads of work to do. Then all my clients seemed to form a neat orderly queue to pour praise on my head instead. Very gratifying, and exactly the incentive needed to crack on with work instead of succumbing to germs.
Later, TallGirl didn’t come home, prompting neighbourhood panic (mainly me) and a trip into town to grill the school bus drivers and TallGirl’s pal who I bumped into. Turns out she was doing a chemistry test and had totally told me about it loads of times, including at dinner last night (though no-one else at dinner remembered either). Anyway, safely home, dinner saw chat on the French enlightenment, the Partition of India, and how and why Italy were lied to at the end of WWI.
Somehow there was still time left in the day for too much telly.
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