Snuggled up!

Today we would like to say a massive, huge, gigantic, thank you to everyone who popped by to look at, and comment on, our 730th Blip yesterday. We really do appreciate each and everyone of you. However, Ann says that we are 'bad Blippers' because at the moment we just don't have the time to visit the journals of everyone who looks at ours?!

Sorry Blippers..............................well it's not really my fault is it? I dictate to Ann (because my paws are too big for the keyboard) and she just says, 'Molly I've got a lot to do?!'

For example, tonight, she could be looking at BLIP and replying to all my fans who seem to love following my daily adventures. But...................she says she's got a load of stars to cut & stick?! Something to do with a Christmas window display for 'Star Linen Hire St Ives'.

Anyway, even though we don't have much time for 'Blipping about' at the moment, we are still totally addicted. Well.......................any addiction has got to be better than Ann's 'wine addiction'. LOL! She says she doesn't even know if she will have time for wine tonight?! Saturday night?! .............................She must be busy??!!

Ozzy, my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, is still here helping me celebrate my 730 Blips, so tonight we're going to snuggle up together and watch 'X-Factor'.

Thank you for loving us sooooo much Blippers xxxx

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