Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


I spent a cold night on the sofa while Lewis had my bed. He came through at 5.30 and stood beside the sofa. Even in my sleep I realised he was there. He had wet the bed. So a change of bed sheets and pyjamas, he got back into bed until 8am. I got a poke in the arm, then another poke, then a shake. We had breakfast, drew, he played with his cars then Daddy came to take him to his swimming lesson. 

Later on we met again to go to the Botanics light show. I have mixed feelings about it, purely because how I was feeling. It was really busy, lots of buggies and it was raining. Lewis enjoyed the whole thing and loved seeing Santa at the end. 
He loved dancing on top of this snowflake and was singing away! 

The extra are the lights that nearly sent me into a panic attack. As soon as I walked in I  freaked. The combination of the changing lights, the people and the movement made me unable to walk in a straight line. By the time we got to the end I was screaming to Steven I couldn't breathe. It was horrible, and I had to sit on the wet grass to calm down. 

The rain got heavier and we got wetter. 
It definitely is an impressive production, and I'm sure on a dry night it would have felt better. 

S and K spent 3hrs up at the Sick Kids last night. Harris has Bronchiolitis but because he is so small he is unable to get steroids or an inhaler. 

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