Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Christmas came early

Knackered after last nights run but we made it to Cain Sport for the Saturday run. One of us had a tumble and badly sprained her ankle. The first aid pack arrived and she was helped back to the car while the rest of us finished the loop. As she couldn’t drive I took her dog home. Kilda wasn’t too impressed with having another dog in the boot but Delta was happy enough and happy to see N’s sister when we arrived. Headed into town to do a few things and look at a new coffee machine. I have always fancied a bean to cup machine and identified one for the sales. Took a cup with me to make sure it fitted and they had an offer on so it was bought early. J went swimming while I went back to sort things out in the flat. After a late lunch we went food shopping at Asda so I could get a Christmas jumper. Also did a trip to Pets at Home so we could get a secret Santa present for Kilda to take to day care. Spent the rest of the night in watching TV.

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