Bouquets from my ....

..... lovelies!
I was so surprised when the door bell rang at 8.30a.m. to find the post lady delivering a box of flowers from daughter C ( up North) and such a beautiful card and words too. Then I had been invited to daughter K for an early birthday lunch for O ( birthday on Wednesday) and early Christmas lunch for M as she won't be with us on the 25th or indeed till middle of Jan 2019 . She will be in Greece with her family. I also saw J and A so it was a nice small family gathering .
I really am amazed how they cope cooking as their oven , tho' new, is broken . So A and K with O's help used the halogen oven , they are so adaptable to any emergency .
I then popped into Sainsbury's to get two birthday cards and a gift and home now .
Strictly was excellent tonight very hard to see who will leave tomorrow!
Oh !! the second bouquet was from my daughter K , sorry dear but you had to be an after thought didn't you !!!

Grateful .... for a loving family and " hats off" to A and K well done

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