Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont



A dry (but cold) day lured us to Porty Beach today. We tossed around a few ideas, but this was the best one - not far to go, plenty of treats for dogs and humans. But mainly not far to go, with the Park being open (shut to cars on Sundays).

It was calm and misty-moisty, with bright sunshine over the Forth in Fife, but Archie didn’t mind. We purchased a liver muffin as soon as we got there, and he loves it so much! He ran between us for absolutely ages - he forgets that he was wearing his hated coat. He stood stock still for a good ten minutes when I put it on him while we footered around and got ready to leave.

We walked along the beach, and instead of having a coffee at the wee caravan as usual (it was slightly too parky to sit out) we popped into one of the dog friendly cafes on the beach. It was mobbed! Great menu (superb chips) and a very good flat white!

The people next to us had a sweet little cockapoo who was wearing a really nice coat, which they'd bought at a local pet shop. They'd come all the way from Falkirk to try it on and then buy - the best way.

We wandered into town to find the shop, but despite asking a rather unhelpful local (Extra) we didn’t find it. (Next time). But anyway, Archie would LOATHE the coat, which was down all four legs too.

Back home in time to catch the second half of the Barbarians-Argentina rugby match. A good day out.

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